Sunday, March 28, 2010

Kindness Begins With Me

Oh hey.

It'd be pretty nice if I wrote anything ever anymore. But I don't. I mean I do--but what I write is meant for me and no one else. So, there you have it.

Writing for an audience just doesn't allow me to meet the minimum requirement for self reflection. And, I really need to self reflect.

Just this last month I experienced a whirlwind of events that took a serious toll on my morale, and while I worked through things OK, I developed a couple of bad habits on the side.

I blame myself really. I was just putzing along wishing I knew why I was here (West Jordan) and what I was doing (What am I doing?), so I prayed to start learning the lessons I needed to learn so I can move on.

Then it all happened: the broken car, the one-sided relationship, the hospital visits, the disrespectful students, the sister moving across the country, the Blind Side (OK, not really on the list, but a good movie), the internet blunders, the mean boy, the other mean boy, the little old lady, the good for nothing son of the little old lady, etc.

I guess, I don't have lessons learned quite yet. But, here's a few ideas as to what may be on the test I'm taking: Kindness begins with me.

Hmmm--I guess that's only one. Kindness begins with me.

I've supplemented my scripture study with a search on kindness. I've found some really neat conference talks. My favorite so far is Elder Wirthlin's. I keep it up on my lap top at work, and when some kid is rude or dishonest, I quietly walk to my laptop, sit down, read the title (just the title), and remember that when you're a kid (are we all kids?) you're allowed to be stupid, because you're just beginning to learn how not to be.

This will make my parents proud--one step closer to singing (rather than grunting) our family theme song with a smile (not a scowl). And, I might even consider the tune a thoughtful melody (Not an excruciating punishment). Because, I want to be kind to everyone, for that is right, you see. So, I say to myself, "Remember this: Kindness begins with me."


Lark said...

Jordan your mother likes this.

Jordan Reasor said...

You know my mother?!

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