Thursday, July 1, 2010

All Sanity Gone, with the Wind

Ashley is an insult. Are there really men THAT stupid? I know, I know, we should address the fact that Scarlet is the most evil woman ever seen on screen, but mirrored by Melanie--a saint. Some may argue Melanie as ignorant. I don't believe it. And then, there is Red. Is it terrible to report that I know exactly who I'd cast to play the role of Red in real life? I know a couple Red's--they must be a common breed. I've never seen a character so accurately portrayed. Perhaps it's his multilevel personality--brave but weak, sweet but hurtful; and perhaps his complete disregard for all rules of civil society.

The point? There is none, except to say, "Who on earth would have thought that Gone with the Wind would have been all that?"


Sylvia Louise said...

Rhett. Rhett Butler. Yes?

I haven't watched that movie in YEARS, but I used to watch it all the time when I was little.

Both of my older sisters could recite the first paragraph of the book.

I always thought Melanie knew what was up too.

Justin said...

You know the interesting fact is that Margaret Mitchell based the character on a husband with whom she had a short-lived passionate marriage. His nickname was Red.

Jordan Reasor said...

Red. Rhett. I guess my ears need cleaning. I thought the red-scarlet metaphor was a little over obvious.

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