Saturday, August 21, 2010

The end

"He said, 'Sometimes life throws you a curve ball.' I think he was calling me a curve ball."

In C's case, he caught it, and couldn't throw it back. In my case, the metaphor doesn't really apply, so I'm not going to go there.

But I will delight you with a little tale:
Once upon a time there was little girl in a fairytale, and then she got to the part in the movie where the viewer is supposed to have no idea what happens next, and switched rolls from the Princess to the viewer, and had no idea what was going to happen next.

I've always said I liked the movies that kept you guessing--the ones that addressed morals so perplexing they wouldn't leave you alone for the next couple weeks.

I've got plenty to think about. So, for the record, I don't like those movies anymore. They stink.


Lark said...

Romans 8:28
"And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God"...

Justin said...

Amen to the previous comment...but I hear ya--ambiguous endings that leave you soul-searching--we're at one of those points. You know what else though? This isn't the end--this is the beginning--perhaps you've reached the end of an episode, or even a season finale, but this show is going to go for at least 100 episodes and be concurrently syndicated on Lifetime, TBS, AND Bravo--so hang onto your laugh track baby--it's gonna be a classic!

Oh and another thing--all those conference talks with examples of the train that got way off track due to an error in the switch, or the airplane that crashes when it runs out of gas beyond the safe return--the moral is always the same. Sure the train got lost and the plane crashed, but we are not planes, trains, nor automobiles--we are God's children and as Elder Holland once told us in the Hammerstein Ballroom in NYC--the Gospel is a Gospel of Happy Endings--don't get off the boat!

xoxo :)

Justin said...

PS--Do you still appreciate "My Brilliant Career"?

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