Thursday, February 17, 2011

my week (in a sugar coated nutshell)

I woke up Sunday morning at 10:15 am on the couch in the living room at my sister's house...wearing a snuggie. The snuggie made me highly suspicious. I had a horrible cold and 30 minutes to get dressed and be somewhere. I grabbed my things and dashed out the door--What? No car?

I dashed back in, crept up the stairs, peaked in my sister's bedroom, and asked for a ride home.

I ran up the stairs, threw my things on the floor, jumped in the shower, freshened up, jumped out, put my glasses in my wet hair--then they were gone.

I drove to my meeting ten minutes late with wet hair and a pair of old broken glasses balanced on my nose.

Monday: Valentine's Day. My favorite day of the year. I called in sick, stayed home from work. I was awake for two hours--to drink some orange juice, write lesson plans for Tuesday, and watch an TVO'ed episode of Bones.

Tuesday: I called in sick, stayed home from work. I was awake for four hours--to drink some orange juice, write lesson plans for Wednesday, watch 2 episodes of TVO'ed Bones, and talk to my sister on the phone. Went back to sleep at 10 pm.

Wednesday: Called in not sick. Got up. Got dressed. 20 minute nose bleed...twice. Called in late to work. Showed up. Stayed all day...even through parent/teacher conferences. Talked to a grand total of one parent.

Thursday: Slept in. Called not work. Got up. Raced around the room. Got dressed. Grabbed my keys. Ran down the stairs. Discovered I was blind. Ran up the stairs. Reached for my glasses. They were gone. Began to pray. As I say the opening lines, "Dear Heavenly Father...Please help me..." CRUNCH! Step on my glasses. Bust them. Now I own two pairs of broken glasses. Find the pair I wore on Sunday to look for the pair I haven't seen since this summer. Pray again. Find the camera cord I forgot I needed and the old glasses in the same box. Funny how that happens. Drove to work. Arrived late. Prep period. SIGH!

Maybe next week will be better.


Talyn said...

Sounds to me like it's time to get contacts. Although I think those are harder to find when you lose them.

Sylvia Louise said...

Clearly, prayers are answered.

Your life sounds fun. We should hang out.

Lark said...

Nothing's ever easy!

Mick said...

Stop leaving your glasses on the floor, moron.

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