Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Fifth Grade Free Verse

I decided to spout sonnets with the fifth grade today. We learned about the Hudson River School and talked about the word "ineffable" which means "unable to be described with words. We talked about how the painters felt the American Landscapes of the early 19th century were ineffable, but skilled writers did not. We learned the difference between traditional types of poetry that follow a specific rhyme or meter, and went exploring outside to find inspiration for poems of our own. These are a few of the poems my fifth graders produced--they begged to share their work with the class. So we had an impromptu poetry reading at the end of class--Aren't they beautiful:

Oh great mountain, what secrets do you
hide? Is there a treasure of treasures?
Or a creature beyond belief?
Oh great mountain, reveal your secrets to me.

All across the world's green field
little people will run and play, all
time seems to pass in a swipe of
my small hands, and, with it, my life and soul.
But my life does not change at
all. There's an edge, maybe a border
of my trust, now I must, at
all costs, live a long life, with
gold, silver, and bronze on the walls of
shame that I have visited in my
life, to go on the road to
Heaven and to relive my life in
secret. All I need is one small
fish, and my best friend. We
will need one ball, and I shoot
for a hoop and I always miss.

The Small Creek of Life
This small little creek full of hidden treasures.
Though it is small it is important it gives life to many plants and animals such
as the tall milk weed plants. So many plants so little water so many plants
so many animals all because of one little creek. Now that I feel
I am done I leave this poem here to remember.

Oh! For jolly joy spring has come!
The kids outside, the Dads at work;
Oh! fell the sunshine bear down upon you,
And when rain comes, everyone goes home
Just to get coats and boots
And when you think it is gloomy
everyone's splashing in puddles;
So for jolly joy come outside and,
enjoy spring, Cause it's shorter
than you think.

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