Saturday, April 10, 2010

Memory Lane

Pulling that old painting out of the closet initiated an onslaught of exploration down memory lane. I pulled out my old sketchbooks from college, high school, jr. high, and elementary school, and this is what I discovered:

Other than an overabundance of girls in bikinis and sleeping students (they were easy targets for figure drawing in the library at school--not the bikini girls), I've been creating characters since my earliest recollection of drawing--

A mermaid carefully construed and cut out on thick, beige card stock. She had pink hair. This is my earliest recollection of art making (other than scrubbing the wall above the stairs in the old house, because of an innate interest in crayon and marker graffiti).

I went to see How To Train Your Dragon last night, and for the third, maybe even fourth, forgotten time, I realized there is something I WANT to do with my life. That has been my biggest life struggle--deciding what I WANT to do, not what everyone else wants me to do, or what life says I should do, or what I think, naturally I should end up doing.

I'm not going to write it here, because I'm superstitious.

So, I'll simply state, that now I know, and I will patiently work my way toward this goal.


Sylvia Louise said...

I remember you drawing the general authorities at Conference. I'm glad you remembered your dream. I remember mine too, sometimes. More often these days. But it feels too easy to be scared of it.

Cary said...

Kaleb ... Chas ... what a minute - you said you wanted Collin. Of course you can't trust anything anyone says at Girl's Camp, especially when we had a grand total of ten hours of sleep the entire week.

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