Sunday, June 27, 2010

Together Again for the First Time

I'm leaving on a jet plane on Tuesday to meet up with the fam' at our old place in da' hood--where my parents still reside--where we will be together again for the first time. However, hopefully, without the super embarrassing TV debut and the drug addictions. I could, however, deal with a cameo appearance from Blossom's classic Joey Lawrence and Saints and Soldiers Brit, Kirby Heybourne (Who knows what his character name was...I only care for Kirby).

You see, Kirby Heybourne and I go long back, to my sophomore year in college. I cut through the bookstore to get to the library from the Cougareat, and there he was--sitting there, signing autographs. I would have married him then, had I not discovered immediately following the event that he was already married. I would have to settle for the blonde jerk boy from Napolean Dynamite I discovered in the Wilkinson Center dining area a year later.

Then there was the time, we went to the Kirby Heybourne concert live at the Wilk as a joke, and Kirby gave a shout out to my soon to be famous brother-in-law, when his baby participated in some unnecessary baby sound production between sets. He knew Justin like the back of his hand because, he starred in a made for TV movie that Justin worked on--Together Again for the First Time.

There I am with Kirby.

Although its been great to say I knew the star before he fell off the face of the Mormon fan planet as a result of THIS, the crowning moment of my film debut WAS NOT, in fact, my association with Kirby, or my picture perfect, moviesque meeting with hairless Joey Lawrence (There I was--sitting on the sidewalk with my head in my palm at 1 am waiting. I looked up, and there he was, standing four feet in front of me in a suede sport jacket and tight fit jeans. "Joey Lawrence!" I thought. I could almost touch him, or at least toss a stone in his direction, and probably miss. He swung around, looked at me square in the eyes, and did the "I'm a cool boy" nod right at me. It was magic.)--or even the two hour search for a VHS and/or television set to watch the sketchy TV recording of the final film years later (we ended up watching it at a super open TV console by the forbidden "rent a camera" room of doom at the HBLL Library--of course that's another story.)--

The crowning moment of my film debut is that I am now two steps from Bob Saget and Reba McIntyre, and THAT has made all the difference.

1 comment:

Justin said...

ROFL! How is that for internet speak?

Good times had by all...and to continue your road to fame...I saw that McDonald's paid for a billboard in your honor. In between Mankato and Shakopee somewhere it says:

"McDonald's--In 15 Minutes JORDAN"

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