Thursday, November 4, 2010

Aren't you proud?

When I was a kid, my mom was really involved in education politics. She wasn't the sit back and moan and groan type, or the scream and shout type. She was proactive type. She was the kind of mom who wanted her kids to have art, so she taught them art.

Today, my mom would be proud of me.

As a teacher, I have the opportunity to stand up for what I believe is right. I had several opportunities to do so in the past two days.

I defended a student's religious beliefs.
I broke up bible bashing session that erupted in my classroom this afternoon. I told them if they had well meaning questions they should ask me, because I'm Mormon, but I will not tolerate disrespect for anyone's beliefs in my classroom.
And, then, I was asked to chaperone a co-ed sleepover service project tomorrow evening.

It is no secret that I do not condone sleepovers of any type. Even when you are absolutely positive that everyone in attendance is well-meaning, you cannot be positive that everyone in attendance is well-meaning. Nothing good ever comes from sending your children to sleep away from home. After an hour or so of thought, I decided to stand up for something I feel very strongly about, in a small way. I informed the powers that be that I could not participate because I cannot promote nor condone sleepovers. In, true L.W.R. fashion pointed out that if I had children they would not be in attendance past ten tomorrow evening, and that if there were children whose parents believed they should be out longer, their parents should watch them. I offered to call parents to ask for volunteers.

Those of you who know me at all, will realize that as a Reasor, I feel speaking on the phone to strangers is the equivalent of having surgery with your eyes open.

Aren't you proud?


Lark said...

Your Mother is so PROUD of you! She had voice a stand many times. How many times did she go pick up one of her children at 9 or 10 p.m. and drive them back to the activity the next morning.

Was it in the last Gen. conf. or Stake conf. (?) she was taught to keep her children home from sleep overs.

Jordan Reasor said...

Dear Mom,
The sleepover part of the service project was cancelled.


Lark said...

One good person can make a difference for good.

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