Friday, December 30, 2011

What I Love

I've been pretty snarky the past few...years. So I thought it might be nice to give up the keys to the snarkmobile and post something that might make me vomit.

I love...
1. Sugar free jam. It's like smooshing smashed fruit into your bread.

2. Watching married couples attempt to include each other in seemingly one-sided conversations.

3. When married men don't argue with their wives concerning bold statements that are obviously exaggerated.

4. Pickles. Someone has to. It ought to be me.

5. Cooked apples. They're sour and sweet, but not too sour or sweet. And you don't eat them on rice.

6. The texture of brown rice. It's like magic in my mouth.

7. Rubbing fake fur on my face.

8. Stuffed animals that are really soft and good looking.

9. Valentine's day. I love home made valentines, with lace and buttons and sappy poetry. I love it even if it comes from someone who doesn't mean it, because I can imagine that it comes from someone who does.

10. That I don't even consider buying clearance holiday candy.

11. Dental floss and baking soda toothpaste. The mint flavored kind tastes like the mint taffies with Christmas trees on them that you can only find at work holiday parties.

12. Having a reason to use a cartoon bandaid and being able to find one.

13. Canada. I love everything about Canada. I even love what I hate about Canada.

14. Being Mormon in Minnesota and being Minnesotan in Utah.

15. Running out of breath.

16. Winter hats.

17. Wet grass.

18. Sleeping bags.

19. My vacuum.

20. A spotless stove top.

21. Lip gloss.

22. Glitter.

23. The smell of paper.

24. Bright, solid fields of color.

25. Little kids who talk a lot and you can't understand a word they've said.

1 comment:

Talyn said...

What kind of vacuum do you have?

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