Tuesday, July 19, 2011

A bunch of nonsense to sooth my troubled mind

Has it really been one year since I've written? I suppose it has. What a pity. My life has just become too personal for the world to see. So instead of writing here, I write on my private family blog--the important things: lists of boys I'd like to date...

That's about it.

Here is an excerpt from today's post:

"P.S. I may have lost What's His Face, and I know I lost What's His Other Face but I'm not taking it personal. Losing the game for a minute does not mean failure. You see, dating is just like soccer. You've got to get in the way of whoever is going to score--so they can't. And when they do anyway, you just have to knock people over until someone gets a foul."

I've taken up flirting. And by "flirting" I mean, not backing down when everyone else wants the same man that I want. It's turning out to be slightly more tricky than I expected. Clouds of discouragement waft when you least expect them, stealing your spotlight.

I was not funny at all today. Not at all, and it sucked. But, hey! Can a guy really expect a girl to be hilarious 24-7? I think not. I've got to have time for the finer things in life like work and school and play. Come on! I've finally become the girl that every guy dreams of...the athlete. No really, if the chart says it, he means it. I'm an athlete. I used to joke that now I just have to pick a sport. Now I have. I haven't narrowed it down, but who needs to keep things simple--Softball, Soccer, Kick Boxing, Hip Hop, White Water Rafting, Canasta, Pool, Cricket, Croquet.

When I go to bed I look forward to getting up and getting tired. It's fun. But in all the fuss, I lost my touch. I forgot how to flirt to win and I don't know what to do about it.

Please advise. Be sure to include the following:
Code Name
Relationship Status
A twenty dollar bill
The first verse of the national anthem of your choice

Can you handle that? Yes. Yes you can. And so can I.


Justin said...

Advice: Food--we love it. Dinner parties can be quite the boy-fishing net.

Code Name: Husband from the Future (some would say Ming the Merciless)

Relationship Status: Hitched

20 Dollar Bill: I accept checks

Anthem, First Verse (it's really long):

Ouviram do Ipiranga as margens plácidas
De um povo heroico o brado retumbante,
E o sol da Liberdade, em raios fúlgidos,
Brilhou no céu da Pátria nesse instante.

Se o penhor dessa igualdade
Conseguimos conquistar com braço forte,
Em teu seio, ó Liberdade,
Desafia o nosso peito a própria morte!

Ó Pátria amada,
Salve! Salve!

Brasil, um sonho intenso, um raio vívido,
De amor e de esperança à terra desce,
Se em teu formoso céu, risonho e límpido,
A imagem do Cruzeiro resplandece.

Gigante pela própria natureza,
És belo, és forte, impávido colosso,
E o teu futuro espelha essa grandeza.

Terra adorada
Entre outras mil
És tu, Brasil,
Ó Pátria amada!

Dos filhos deste solo
És mãe gentil,
Pátria amada,

Justin said...

You can listen to the anthem here:


What were we talking about again?

Cary said...

I'm going to skip all the prereqs you listed and just give you my advice because I'm a pregnant lady and I can do whatever I want. (Growing up, I never thought I had a problem not backing down - and I'm sure you'd agree . . .I'm not a genteel lady by any stretch of the imagination - but being pregnant has taught me that people can be FAR nosier than I ever thought possible, so I've had to reach for a new level of not backing down.)

Here's my advice - and you're probably going to hate me for it because it's going to make me sound like an old married lady: Enjoy the grass on your side of the fence.

It's one of those annoying pieces of advice coming from somebody that's already on the other side of the fence so you instantly hate it. Let me just say, though, in my defense that I actually took my own advice back in the day. It wasn't until I had decided to do my own thing and forget about boys that I met the coolest guy ever - Todd - and, luckily, I was trying to do my own cool thing at the time so he thought I was pretty cool, too. The End.

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